Monday, February 18, 2013

Realization of the Century

Considering that I haven't written a post in almost four months and that I'm also trying to avoid folding my laundry, it seemed like a pretty good time to sit down and throw some of my thoughts into the void.

Since last we spoke, much has taken place: I've graduated from BYU; I successfully helped publish the Stowaway Winter 2013 issue; I broke up with someone (yeah, it's been that long); I did well in the Met competition for vocal performance, with only a bit of leg shaking but a whole lot of high notes; I successfully navigated being Relief Society President without pulling out all my hair; I started a real career at LDS Living magazine, where I'm their editorial assistant (Take that Obama--I actually got a job in my field right out of college!); and I have somehow still continued to go on many blind dates. Never a dull moment in the Life of Jenny.

With all these things going on in my life, it's not that often that I get a chance to sit down and take stock of the blessings in my life. But today is one of those days. I can't believe how well things worked out for me in the past three years. I've been employed basically since I returned home from my mission nearly two years ago. I received a lot of scholarship money without even applying for it, and basically received it because I went on a mission and had good grades beforehand. I've been blessed to have dating experiences so I could understand the type of person I'm looking for in life. I got to have not one internship but two last year, and one of those internships led to my job now.

But lest you think this is a "look-how-great-my-life-is" post, I also wanted to let you know that not one of these experiences has been a walk in the park. Being the managing editor of Stowaway magazine and trying to learn five arias at the same time made me want to throw up. Starting church at 8 a.m. and not finishing until 2 p.m. made me realize how hard my dad's life really is. But in the end, each of these at-the-time trials transformed me into a better person.

And so I have come to this realization: blessings = trials.

Now I know that the prophets have been telling me this for years, but it's not until you look at everything in hind sight that you understand the truthfulness of their words. I'm not brave enough to ask for more trials, but I'm certainly going to be gladder when they come my way, since I know they'll only make me a happier person in the end if I do my best to carry on through them.