Thursday, May 24, 2012

All Hail the Blind Date Queen

Confession: I cannot remember how many blind dates I have been on because I have been set up so many times. Does this shock you? Somehow, all my friends think I deserve to be with the perfect guy, and they always seem to know the perfect guy for me. I can almost see myself as the quirky, loud friend in the chick flick movie that every female viewer identifies with. That goofy girl that the leading lady sets up with her geeky coworker. That girl who makes everyone else laugh, but who’s still waiting for that one guy who can make her laugh. That’s me. The blind date queen.

If you must know, it all started my junior year of high school. My best friend had an older cousin, and she tried to set me up with him. We talked through email, but when I met him, it was clear that it wasn’t going to work. Then the tradition continued as a senior when my student teacher in my French class had a friend who had a brother who wanted to go out with me, but who didn’t say more than three sentences at a time. And the saga continued all throughout college. I went out with older guys, younger guys, musical guys, athletic guys, geeky guys, handsome guys—but did any of them take? Nope. Even on my mission, while my heart was “locked away,” I had people trying to get it back out of the box! At least four companions, one zone leader, and even my mission president tried to line me up with some “great guy” that they knew for after the mission. I’ll admit, I did date one of those “great guys” for about eight months. And he was a great guy. But we didn’t have that much in common—a typical side effect of the blind-date relationship. So the question remains, “Why do they seem to work for other girls, but never for us?”

You’ve all been there. First you get so excited at the prospect of meeting a new guy. “Could he be the one?” The “twitterpation phase” has set in. Then you meet him and the “reality-check phase” hits. Either the guy is so incredibly attractive that you just spend the evening making weird noises like “Buh, buh, buhmmmm . . .” instead of coherent sentences while you stare at his grandeur. Or they are so completely not your type that you literally start to contemplate not eating half of your burger just on the off chance it might make you skinny enough to fit through the back window of the ladies’ room. Can anyone commiserate with this!?

In the past two months alone, I can count at least seven people who have mentioned that they would like to set me up with someone they know. Seven! Isn’t there one great guy out there who wants to set me up with himself? We’re talking about at least twenty guys who have met me through a blind date. Twenty guys! And what do I have to show for it? Just this blog and a really heavy date box.

P.S. My sister was cool enough to send me this link for dating tall guys . . . just a helpful tool for any other tall girls out there. What do you guys think? Should I try it?


  1. Jenny, you crack me up! And I totally can relate, though I haven't been on quite as many blind dates as you :) You forgot to mention though that usually one of the driving forces in people wanting to set you up with someone is because "he's tall too!" Haha, I remember many a conversation with you about that. Don't worry, Mr. Right will definitely want to set himself up with you when he comes along. Just keep being awesome. Love you!

    1. Thanks girl! You're the best. That is totally why people set me up. Tall? Must be perfect for you! Oh well, I'm sure Mr. Right will come along eventually :)

  2. I can totally relate as I have also recently hit this phase. My best story is that I was at a wedding reception (yay me!) and the BRIDE told me that the guy she wanted to set me up with had just gotten engaged. Uhhh, okay? :P Keep at it though, you're awesome!!

